Sunday, December 2, 2012

New year coming up!

Uh-oh. It has been SO long.

I just wrote up the list of songs we will be learning in 2013. I'm so excited! So I thought I'd post it.

I did this last year too--made a list of songs for each month, since so many of the prescribed program songs were ones we already knew. Then the same thing happened this year, with songs like "I Am a Child of God" and "When I Am Baptized." My kids know almost all of 2013's program songs. So we are going to learn lots of other new songs as well. I wasn't sure how it would turn out last year but I think it worked really well and the kids learned tons of new songs. I'm excited for this year too! I'm especially excited for "Had I Been a Child" and "I'll Follow Him in Faith," two songs I didn't sing as a kid but fell in love with after becoming a Primary chorister.

Yay :)

2013 SONGS

January   I Am a Child of God - p. 2
          I Will Follow God's Plan - p. 164
          I Lived in Heaven - p. 4
February  My Heavenly Father Loves Me - p. 228
          Life Is O'erflowing with Beautiful Things
          I Know My Father Lives - p. 5
March     If the Savior Stood Beside Me
          Had I Been a Child - p. 80
April     Joseph Smith's First Prayer - Hymns, 26
          The Sacred Grove - p. 87
          On a Golden Springtime - p. 88
          I Often Go Walking - p. 202
May       The Word of Wisdom - p. 154
          Latter-day Prophets - p. 134
          Fathers - p. 209
June      When I Am Baptized - p. 103
          Help Me, Dear Father - p. 99
          I Believe in Being Honest - p. 149
July      Families  Can Be Together Forever - p. 188
          The Family Is of God
          To Be a Pioneer - 218
August    A Child's Prayer - p. 12
          I Pray in Faith - p. 14
September  I'll Follow Him in Faith
          I Will Be Valiant - p. 162
          I Am Like a Star - p. 163
          Called to Serve - p. 174
October   Friends Are Fun - p. 262
          I'm Learning the Ways of Jesus
          I'll Walk with You - p. 140
November  Reverence Is Love - p. 31
          Thanks to Our Father - p. 20                    
          Sing Your Way Home - p. 193
December  When Joseph Went to Bethlehem - p.  38
          Little Jesus - p. 39
          The Shepherd's Carol - p. 40

By the way, all the songs without a page number are songs which have been published in the Friend but are not in the Children's Songbook or hymnbook. They are available for download on the Friend Music Playlist page at

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Where Do You Belong?

I ran across an old Senior Primary singing time which I thought was really successful. "The Church of Jesus Christ" was a program song a few years ago and I got this idea from a blog somewhere--unfortunately I'm really not sure although it's likely it was The Crazy Chorister, who was my muse for at least the first year I was chorister.

Anyway, I printed out the Church logo extra large--I think I enlarged it on the photocopier at church and it was probably on an 11x17 sheet. Then I covered it up with several easily recognizable "worldly" ;) logos which I found on Google Images. Here's the list I have in my files--I won't upload the actual images since that would take too long and I already should be getting ready for church right about now:

The Suite Life
Hannah Montana
Guitar Hero
High School Musical
Washington Redskins
Where the Wild Things Are
Fantastic Mr. Fox

Anyway, I taped all the logos so that they covered the Church logo. As we sang "The Church of Jesus Christ," I walked around with my poster and offered it to various kids inviting them to take one. Each took one until the Church logo was revealed. We had a nice talk about where we "belong," what we value and how long things of the world last versus things of eternity. I am 99.9% sure that I didn't use this activity for junior Primary, I think we did something else, but it was a nice opportunity to talk about the meaning of the song for the senior kids, who already knew the song anyway.

Paper Instruments

Today is our last singing time before the program, since next week we are practicing in the chapel and the week after that is our program. The songs this year were so easy for the kids that they really have them all down pretty well. So I'm going to do a "game" I did a few years ago which the kids loved. Our ward changes so often with move-ins and move-outs that I'm sure most of the kids in our current Primary either weren't there when I did it before, or won't remember it. It's from Divine Secrets of a Primary Chorister and I put the word "game" in quotes because it isn't really a game. Just sort of a funny, simple activity. Original idea here: Adventures with Paper. I'll copy the text in case she takes her site down in the future.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Adventures With Paper

This is such a simple idea, but it turned out really, really well. I was a bit worried that it would be too simple, but it turned out perfect!

I cut normal 8.5x11" paper in half. I then gave each child one of these. I handed out pencils and told them to write their favorite song on it (the little kids only had to write their name on it). Then we turned the paper into instruments.

I chose a random word from the song we were practicing. Whenever we sang that word, we would do something with the paper. For example, if we were singing "To Think About Jesus", I might choose the word 'still'. So whenever we sang the word 'still', we wouldsnap our papers (grab each end, and quickly pull out to make it 'snap'). Then I'd change it so that if we sang the word 'Jesus', we would flap our paper in the air (this makes more noise than you would think). And so on and so forth.

Somehow this kept the kids' attention and really had them concentrating on the words at the same time. It was amazing. Finally, when we had just a couple of minutes left, I told them to crumple their papers into a ball. Then I told them to throw their papers at me.

It took a second to clear the shock from their minds, and then the paper balls came flying. I hammed it up, pretending to cower and shriek as they pummeled me with their papers. It made it even more fun for them. I chose a crumpled paper at random, and whatever fun song was on their, that's what we sang (for the little kids I called out whoever's name was on their and they got to pick a fun song). This turned out fabulously!!

Side note: When I did this the first time, I kept the papers that the senior Primary threw at me with their favorite songs written on them and put them in a bag. I chose songs from that whenever I had extra time to sing during Primary.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Musical Chairs, Bowling, Balloons

And 3 months later, here I am...

A few successes I've had lately have been very simple.

Musical Chairs - about how you would imagine it. We sing until I cut the singing off. When the music stops, someone loses a chair. My favorite thing about this game is that as long as we keep it moving, everyone gets a turn. (I did 5 at a time.)

Bowling - I used a toy bowling set I got at Target several months ago. On the bottom of each pin I wrote an action, the idea being that if necessary (that is, if all pins got knocked over) the kids could do all the actions at the same time. Stand on one foot, flap arms like chicken wings, hop up and down, and I don't remember what the others were. But at one point during Senior Primary we did all of them at once (while singing of course) and it was pretty funny.

Balloons - I have done this several times and probably blogged about it before too. It's what I'm planning to do tomorrow as we review "Fathers" for Fathers Day next week. I have an enthusiastic teacher come up and blow the balloon as the kids sing. The better they sing, the bigger the balloon gets. Then we either pop it or let it loose. Either way is always a hit with the kids. I try not to use this one more than every 3 or 4 months.

Apron with Pockets - each pocket has a toy in it that symbolizes how we are going to sing the song. A toy sheep means we sing like sheep, etc. I'm sure I've posted about this. I use it a lot.

Sign Language - we have done this for almost every song I've introduced so far in 2012. I know I've posted about it already, but it has worked pretty well for me this year.

Off the top of my head, that's what I have. Super simple and easy and fun too.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

During the Week / On Sunday

I was looking through my old Primary files on the computer and found a handout from the first workshop I taught as the stake Primary chorister. I think there is more stuff on it than necessary. But for posterity I am going to post it anyway.

During the Week - How To…

1. Prepare with Your Kids in Mind

Senior Primary
            Games: If it’s not a challenge for you, it probably won’t be for them!

Junior Primary
            The basics: Pictures, actions, stop/go, loud/soft, “styles”
            More ideas: involving the kids

Crossing over: what works for both groups

                        Props for kids to hold

2. Learn from Others
Ideas and links: (click on Primary, then Primary Music Leader)

Children’s music not found in the Songbook:,17631,7206-1,00.html
                                (includes sharing time outlines for this year and years past)              

            Having “visitors” in Primary is ALWAYS a hit.


3. Work Together



Nursery leader

Primary teachers and parents
The kids

On Sunday - How To…
4. Know Your Kids
Primary roster

“I saw my music teacher at Home Depot!”
            Choosing volunteers
                        - Popsicle sticks, reverence badges, have teachers choose a reverent class member

            A rotation of “old standbys” – songs and games alike

Memorizing: the music and the lyrics
            - Repetition

5. Deal with Distractions

Know your presidency’s rules for disciplining

For recurring issues, talk with your presidency, the teacher, the parents if needed.   

            To ignore or to address? Use positive reinforcement
            Decide in advance: What am I OK with? (pick your battles)

6. Bring (Back) the Spirit
Get the wiggles OUT!

Warmups, stretching, deep breathing

Key word or phrase to get back on track
“If you can hear me, touch your nose”
            Bear your testimony often, use the scriptures, point out when the Spirit is present; love the kids.

7. Have Fun!
No one cares how you sound or how you look J (although you do need energy and a smile)

            Primary music: the best job in the Church

My favorite thing is the last 2 bullet points: Bring the Spirit and Have Fun, my 2 mottos as a chorister. My second favorite thing is the line (under Deal with Distractions) "Decide in advance: What am I OK with? (pick your battles)." On the next post I'll write about our recent ward Primary training meeting presented by our Primary presidency: Teaching and Expecting Appropriate Behavior. Pins and needles, right??

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Choose the Right

I forgot to post about how I taught "Choose the Right." It occurred to me that I could use ASL for this song too. Several of the key words in "Choose the Right" are the same as the ones in "As a Child of God," which we learned ASL key words for. Here are the signs I chose: (repeated signs are marked by parentheses)

(Choice - same sign as Choose)
Holy Spirit
O'er (over)
(Evermore - same sign as Forever)

For comparison, some of the signs in this song that we already learned in "As a Child of God" are:

Holy Ghost

Both senior and junior Primary learned the first verse and the chorus during singing time. Easy and fun.

There is a great site for learning ASL signs, In order to use the actual site to find signs you need to become a member, but if you just Google the word you are looking for plus "ASL" (for example, "choose ASL" or "right ASL") then one of the top options is a link to, which then provides a tiny, short video of a person signing that word.

I also found another great resource for finding signs, ASL Dictionary for the Deaf for the Book of Mormon. This gives synonyms for words that are unique to the Book of Mormon or LDS culture. Then you can look up the sign for the synonym instead of a tricky word like "abhorreth" (for example).

Amazing. I love it! I love being a Primary chorister with the Internet! Imagine if I had to be a Primary chorister and figure this stuff all out on my own...

The "Vigor and Vim" Song

Yikes!! It has been a few weeks since I posted.

Last week I taught the kids "Hum Your Favorite Hymn" (or as my 5-year-old calls it, "the vigor and vim song"). I found this idea on Sugar Doodle: Hum Your Favorite Hymn Visual Aid, which I loved and quickly adapted to my simplicity requirement.

If I had had the time or inclination I really love the way she did it, but to simplify it I drew a large picture of a face on the chalkboard (in senior Primary I had some kids come up and draw it for me) and then just stuck the pictures up with a magnet on the face's forehead as we sang. Super easy and really fun. For the first line ("if on occasion you have found your language is in question"), I wrote each word out and had the kids repeat after me one by one, since it's sort of a confusing line. We talked about what it means (e.g., "if sometimes you say something or think something that isn't so great") and went over each word individually. The rest of the song was pretty easy to teach with the image ideas from the Sugar Doodle link.

The kids especially liked the purple hippo, pink elephant thing, and in fact I printed out pictures of a purple hippo and a pink elephant and put those up on the face too, which they thought was funny. They also quite enjoyed the phrase "vigor and vim." By the end of singing time they all had the entire verse mastered.

I have mentioned to my kids many, many times that the songs they learn in Primary will help them throughout their lives. President Packer has said on a few occasions, including one of our stake conferences a few years ago, that a favorite hymn can be like a "delete key" in our brains. I have used this tool throughout my own life. For me, it is not necessarily my "favorite" hymn, but the first lines of "A Child's Prayer" always come to me when I need comfort or help. "Heavenly Father, are you really there?" It has been such a blessing in my life and I love to remind my Primary kids that they can use that tool as well. It's as simple as choosing a song and turning to it whenever things get haywire up there in our brains.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Getting organized.

I continued with "Every Star Is Different" last Sunday and it didn't go as well, despite how well it went the first week. So I am shelving that for a while. It was kind of a weird day--in junior Primary I had 25 minutes as opposed to the "official" 20 minutes (and usual 15 minutes) and then in senior Primary I had more like 10 minutes. And the kids were all just wild for some reason. So I just sort of felt "off." Plus I had done a singing time for a ward conference earlier that morning so I was really pretty tired. The ward conference singing time went well though, so at least there was that! Maybe later today or next week I'll post about what I'm doing in ward conferences. So far, so good.

It is taking me a while but with the new year I am trying to get organized in every aspect of life, namely: 1) my house/home and family, 2) my outside-the-home job as a librarian, and 3) my calling in Primary. Getting organized for those is all connected so I guess that's why it's taking me a while. Every month I put together a calendar of what songs we are going to sing in Primary and send it out to the pianist and the presidency and secretary. It helps keep me focused for the month and lets them all know what to expect. I've been doing it the same way for 2 1/2 years and decided I want to simplify things. Today I'm going to Target to get a 1/2 inch binder and try to get my week-to-week Primary stuff a little more organized a la ideas from Camille's "Primary" blog (on my sidebar). We'll see if I can get it together in time for tomorrow.

I also want to organize all my old stuff--handouts, visuals, etc. I don't have much of that since as a general rule I don't bring anything to church that can't fit into my purse.

Maybe by the end of February I'll feel more organized at home, work and church. In the meantime, February's song is "Choose the Right." I have no idea how I'm going to teach it tomorrow. I think with junior Primary I am going to start with just the chorus:

Choose the right, choose the right
Let wisdom mark the way before
In its light, choose the right
And God will bless you evermore.

I'm sure the older kids can learn the whole thing in one session, but I think with the younger kids I will do some sort of game with just the chorus. Honestly what keeps popping into my head is the song we sang at girls' camp when I was a kid: "Choose a Sprite, when a Coke is placed before you." Knowing how many Coke (as in the soda, of course) addicts we have in our ward--my husband included--I think I will sidestep that dicey topic. But it keeps popping in my head just the same.

Anyway, I've got 24 hours. I'm sure I'll think of something. I'll update when I do.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Every Star Is Different

We had a lot of fun this week as I taught the kids the first verse of "Every Star Is Different." I never sang this song as a kid but I love its message. Before introducing the lyrics to the junior kids, I asked them to raise their hands to answer certain questions, e.g. "Do you know anyone who is tall?" "Do you know anyone who is funny?" "Do you know anyone who is nice?" "Do you know anyone who is not so nice?" "Do you know anyone who has brown hair?" "Do you know anyone who sits in a wheelchair?" etc. etc. Then we talked about how everyone is different, how we all have different personalities and we often look different, have different colored skin or hair or different types of bodies, but Heavenly Father loves all of us and we are all His children.

For the senior Primary, I read them the lyrics of the first verse and asked them what they thought it meant. I got answers like "be yourself," "follow your heart" (I loved that one and had to stifle a laugh), "you're important." I told them I loved all their answers and thought maybe they could apply it to other people too. Everyone is special and important and different. Even if we meet someone we don't get along with, we should still be kind. We don't have to be best friends with them, but we should try to understand them and always be kind because Heavenly Father and Jesus love all of us.

As far as how to teach the kids the actual song, I was inspired late the night before by the remix of the song on this YouTube video.


We did one of my favorite singing time activities, Keep the Beat. For senior Primary, I divided the kids into 4 groups, gave them each a line of the song and had them make up a beat for it. It kind of turned into made-up actions instead for most of the lines. Here's what the kids came up with:

Every star is different (hands do "popcorn popping" motion up in the air 3 x)
And so is every child. (pat left side of chest with right hand 3 x)
Some are bright and happy (pump arms in air 3 x)
And some are meek and mild. (Charles dance step--the one with hands crossing back and forth over knees)
Everyone is needed / for just what he can do. (a variation of the Macarena here--left arm out, right arm out, cross left arm to right shoulder, cross right arm to left shoulder. repeat for second half of line)
You're the only person (pat head and rub stomach)
Who ever can be you. (flap arms like chicken wings)

The kids loved it and it was really fun to do. They sang beautifully.

In junior Primary, we actually didn't have much time so I just taught them the words by repeating each line over and over--having them echo me--first we just said the words, then later sang them. Both with singing and speaking, we alternated clapping and slapping hands on their laps. Next week when we review the verse, I think I will teach them the actions the senior Primary came up with.

Also next week I plan to teach them the chorus. I think for both junior and senior I will keep it very simple and just do a beat like the one in the remix video above--long, long, short long. No idea if that makes sense. We'll either alternate lap-clap lap-clap, or stomp-clap stomp-clap. Anyway, then we'll do the second verse either with the same actions as the first verse, or maybe new ones if they want to.

This is a really great song and I think it will become a staple of our Primary.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

As a Child of God - simplified ASL

New year, new resolution to post every week! Really! This time I really will! This is what I am planning to do today. I have used a few ASL signs here and there on past songs ("When I Am Baptized" and "My Mother Dear") but despite the many hours spent watching Signing Time videos when my kids were toddlers, I am really not very familiar with the language, although I love it. This is a very simplified ASL version of "As a Child of God" posted by another chorister. I think the senior Primary will be really good with it and I am hoping the juniors like it too.


Happy New Year!

New Year's Day

I was out of town on New Year's Day so my "assistant chorister," who is AWESOME, did singing time. Here is a very brief recap of what she told me she did--including some "junior Primary" songs for the senior Primary, complete with "When We're Helping" sung opera style and "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" in Swedish. It sounds like it was really fun!

The suggestions in the JanuaryFriend for making a great 2012 are read your scriptures, move your body, tell your family you love them, serve someone once a week, and make a new friend. We sang the "It is fun to have a friend who will play with you" song, which I didn't figure they knew but it's pretty simple and they picked it up quickly, "When we're helping," "If I Listen with my Heart," etc. 

I had a couple songs ready for when I'd want to sing a different one for Junior and Senior Primary, but I ended up singing the younger-kid-geared songs with the older kids anyway. I did have Senior Primary open their Books of Mormon to the contents page and sing the books a few times (getting faster each time), because the older kids are studying the Book of Mormon this year. Some of them knew the song already, but I think they enjoyed it. ...

One thing we didn't do that you may want to do next week is make sure to sing the welcome song to all the new teachers in Primary. So many people were traveling this week that next week would be better, anyway, but I felt bad we didn't even really recognize the new adults (there was a lot going on). They would probably appreciate it.

My goals for this year in Primary are:

1) Feel the Spirit

I think we are well on our way :)