Saturday, March 10, 2012

During the Week / On Sunday

I was looking through my old Primary files on the computer and found a handout from the first workshop I taught as the stake Primary chorister. I think there is more stuff on it than necessary. But for posterity I am going to post it anyway.

During the Week - How To…

1. Prepare with Your Kids in Mind

Senior Primary
            Games: If it’s not a challenge for you, it probably won’t be for them!

Junior Primary
            The basics: Pictures, actions, stop/go, loud/soft, “styles”
            More ideas: involving the kids

Crossing over: what works for both groups

                        Props for kids to hold

2. Learn from Others
Ideas and links: (click on Primary, then Primary Music Leader)

Children’s music not found in the Songbook:,17631,7206-1,00.html
                                (includes sharing time outlines for this year and years past)              

            Having “visitors” in Primary is ALWAYS a hit.


3. Work Together



Nursery leader

Primary teachers and parents
The kids

On Sunday - How To…
4. Know Your Kids
Primary roster

“I saw my music teacher at Home Depot!”
            Choosing volunteers
                        - Popsicle sticks, reverence badges, have teachers choose a reverent class member

            A rotation of “old standbys” – songs and games alike

Memorizing: the music and the lyrics
            - Repetition

5. Deal with Distractions

Know your presidency’s rules for disciplining

For recurring issues, talk with your presidency, the teacher, the parents if needed.   

            To ignore or to address? Use positive reinforcement
            Decide in advance: What am I OK with? (pick your battles)

6. Bring (Back) the Spirit
Get the wiggles OUT!

Warmups, stretching, deep breathing

Key word or phrase to get back on track
“If you can hear me, touch your nose”
            Bear your testimony often, use the scriptures, point out when the Spirit is present; love the kids.

7. Have Fun!
No one cares how you sound or how you look J (although you do need energy and a smile)

            Primary music: the best job in the Church

My favorite thing is the last 2 bullet points: Bring the Spirit and Have Fun, my 2 mottos as a chorister. My second favorite thing is the line (under Deal with Distractions) "Decide in advance: What am I OK with? (pick your battles)." On the next post I'll write about our recent ward Primary training meeting presented by our Primary presidency: Teaching and Expecting Appropriate Behavior. Pins and needles, right??