I continued with "Every Star Is Different" last Sunday and it didn't go as well, despite how well it went the first week. So I am shelving that for a while. It was kind of a weird day--in junior Primary I had 25 minutes as opposed to the "official" 20 minutes (and usual 15 minutes) and then in senior Primary I had more like 10 minutes. And the kids were all just wild for some reason. So I just sort of felt "off." Plus I had done a singing time for a ward conference earlier that morning so I was really pretty tired. The ward conference singing time went well though, so at least there was that! Maybe later today or next week I'll post about what I'm doing in ward conferences. So far, so good.
It is taking me a while but with the new year I am trying to get organized in every aspect of life, namely: 1) my house/home and family, 2) my outside-the-home job as a librarian, and 3) my calling in Primary. Getting organized for those is all connected so I guess that's why it's taking me a while. Every month I put together a calendar of what songs we are going to sing in Primary and send it out to the pianist and the presidency and secretary. It helps keep me focused for the month and lets them all know what to expect. I've been doing it the same way for 2 1/2 years and decided I want to simplify things. Today I'm going to Target to get a 1/2 inch binder and try to get my week-to-week Primary stuff a little more organized a la ideas from Camille's "Primary" blog (on my sidebar). We'll see if I can get it together in time for tomorrow.
I also want to organize all my old stuff--handouts, visuals, etc. I don't have much of that since as a general rule I don't bring anything to church that can't fit into my purse.
Maybe by the end of February I'll feel more organized at home, work and church. In the meantime, February's song is "Choose the Right." I have no idea how I'm going to teach it tomorrow. I think with junior Primary I am going to start with just the chorus:
Choose the right, choose the right
Let wisdom mark the way before
In its light, choose the right
And God will bless you evermore.
I'm sure the older kids can learn the whole thing in one session, but I think with the younger kids I will do some sort of game with just the chorus. Honestly what keeps popping into my head is the song we sang at girls' camp when I was a kid: "Choose a Sprite, when a Coke is placed before you." Knowing how many Coke (as in the soda, of course) addicts we have in our ward--my husband included--I think I will sidestep that dicey topic. But it keeps popping in my head just the same.
Anyway, I've got 24 hours. I'm sure I'll think of something. I'll update when I do.
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