Wednesday, May 22, 2013

2013 catchup!

And, 4 months later. This year is flying by. January's song was "I Am a Child of God," February's was "My Heavenly Father Loves Me," March's was "If the Savior Stood Beside Me," April's (my choice) was "On a Golden Springtime," May's (my choice) was "We'll Bring the World His Truth," June's will be "When I Am Baptized." 

The bulk of my kids already knew all of these songs except for "My Heavenly Father Loves Me," which is good because we've been doing lots of other songs. They sang "Had I Been a Child" on Easter Sunday which went fabulously!--despite the 3 gigglers in the front row at the end, that was too bad but, could be worse--and I was so proud of them. On Mothers Day they sang the first verse of "Home" ("Home is where the heart is and warmth and love abound / Home is where warm, circling arms go all the way around"), first verse of "When We're Helping," and then all three verses of "Grandmother," but I had them substitute the word "Mother." "I wish every child in the whole wide world had a mother just like you!"

We did the tried-and-true method of simplified ASL signs for "My Heavenly Father Loves Me." For the other songs, which were reviews for most kids and some were learning them for the first time, we did various actions. I've tried a few new things this year: The Wiggle Worm Jar as inspired by Camille's Primary blog; and also the reverence butterfly which I love. (inspired by this story.) I use a pretty realistic looking fake monarch butterfly from Michael's. I tied it to a wooden BBQ skewer with thread and when we're trying to "catch a reverent feeling," walk around the room as we're singing a reverent song that they know (some good ones are "I Feel My Savior's Love," "I Am a Child of God," "I Love to See the Temple") and letting the butterfly land on kids who are singing and engaged. The idea isn't to sing quietly necessarily--just to sing and to pay attention to what we're doing.

I didn't tell the actual Friend story when I first introduced it, but used the same info about catching butterflies by being still, and how we can catch a reverent feeling by being still. The kids really like it. I use the butterfly maybe every other week. I keep it in a large Ziploc bag in the Primary closet to try to keep it from being damaged. I originally saw the idea on the Yahoo! group a few months ago; thanks to whomever posted it!

The songs they have to learn next are "Fathers" and "Daddy's Homecoming" for Fathers Day sacrament meeting. We reviewed the chorus for "Fathers" this past Sunday. I'm going to have a boy soloist for the first verse of "Fathers," then have all the kids join in on the chorus, third verse, and chorus again. Skipping the "bishop" verse this year. It's my favorite Fathers Day song so I'm pretty sure I've always made them sing it! Most of them know "Daddy's Homecoming" so we won't need to practice that much. Not a lot of time to practice this year because I'll be out of town the first week in June and we have stake conference right before Fathers Day.

Since the kids all know June's song, I think the two weeks we do have in June will be reviewing the program songs up to this point. I usually do way more review earlier in the year, but since the songs were so familiar this year, we haven't done that very consistently, at least not formally. So I'll do that with some type of game that takes minimal time from actual singing. Now to paw through my files and find a game like that.

July's song is "Families Can Be Together Forever," which is so great because although a lot of them know it, we haven't sung it in a while. They may do a pioneer song or two as well. August's song is "A Child's Prayer," which my senior Primary LOVES and always requests. Will need to bring the juniors up to speed on that one. I also really want everyone to learn "I'll Follow Him in Faith." I had the seniors sing it a few weeks ago with sheet music because I just really felt like they needed to learn it. But I'm going to teach it to everyone starting soon. I've been the chorister for 4 years now and although I keep hinting to the bishop and Primary presidency that I never want to be released for as long as I live, I know that won't happen. :) I guess I feel like this could be my year that I have to say goodbye to my favorite calling of all time! Hopefully not, but I want to be prepared and make sure that this summer I teach them this wonderful song, "I'll Follow Him in Faith." I've been singing it with my kids at home and even by myself. It has become so dear to me. I love Primary songs!

The Lord has blessed me with gospel truth.
I have learned His ways in my early youth.
I will share His light, for I know it's right
To testify of Him.

The Lord has blessed me with simple faith.
If I pray for help, He will give me strength.
I will do His work; I will gladly serve.
I'll follow Him in Faith.

The Lord has blessed me to feel His love.
I have felt His promptings and learned to trust.
So in all I do, I'll be faithful to
The things I know are true.

The Lord has blessed me in many ways.
With a thankful heart I will sing His praise.
I will raise my voice and proclaim my choice
To follow Him in faith.

He has shown the way, and through all my days
I'll follow Him in faith!

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