Thursday, March 13, 2014


I just ran across this verse this morning and thought it applied so well to Primary. We teach the kids plain and precious truths. They respond plainly and honestly. It's so refreshing and it's the reason I love to go to Primary, I look forward to it, and every single week it rejuvenates my spirit  and blesses my life.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Ode to ASL

My Primary-related project I want to do this year is to take videos of myself signing Primary songs in case they might be helpful to some googling chorister out there, which is how I stumbled upon how easy it is to teach using ASL. I have taught SO many songs using ASL signs, and I just swear by it. It is so simple, so easy, so beautiful to watch, so fun to do, and so effective for learning the lyrics. A few songs they have learned using ASL...

-As a Child of God (the first one I did! inspired by a YouTube video I have linked in a past post, and which I'll link again when I'm posting from my PC since I haven't figured out linking on my Blogger app)
-Had I Been a Child
-Choose the Right
-I Stand All Amazed
-I Feel My Savior's Love
-I Know Heavenly Father Loves Me
-When I Am Baptized (kinda...a few ASL signs, not as many as usual, this is one I did five years ago when I was first in Primary. "rainbows," "rain," "clean")
-Sing Your Way Home (love this one!!)
-God Is Watching Over All (also ADORE this one!)
-these are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head. I'm pretty sure there are more!